Blog Hiatus + Comeback Giveaway by Ms. Genzel

Friday, June 20, 2014

Hi Bellas! How are you? Are you an avid reader of Ms. Genzel of Genzel Kisses Blog? She has an ongoing giveaway entitled "Blog Hiatus + Comeback Giveaway by Ms. Genzel". This giveaway will run until July 9, 2014 and open to Philippine residents only. The lucky winners will take home these products.

Gluta White & Firm Lotion, Gluta White & Firm Facial Cream, Gluta White & Firm Facial Wash, Gluta White & Firm Deodorant, Dermplus Moisturizing Sunblock SPF 80, Dermplus Ultimate Sunblock SPF 130 and Dermplus Sunblock Sachets (6).

To join click the link HERE. Good Luck Ladies!


  1. Yay! Thanks for sharing sis! :)

    1. Your always welcome Ms. Gen :) Trying my luck again. hehe

    2. My daughter was insisting for face contouring brushes which she wanted to use them on her dancing competition in school. But I have not found time to take her to shop and let her purchase. So I decided to order them online to save my time. I was randomly searching for makeup brushes on the web and come up with a platform which was offering a cheaply priced pouch of brushes. I did some more research on those brushes that pouch was consisting of a variety of brushes in economical price. I decided to order them. My daughter was really happy on receiving them.


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